Truck Accidents

Another type of motor vehicle accident which always involves very severe injuries or death is an accident involving 18-wheeler semi tractor-trailer trucks. Trucking accidents tend to be more serious because the sheer size and weight of the semi overpowers the smaller vehicle, resulting in more grievous injuries. Another aggravating factor is that these accidents generally occur on Florida highways, where higher speeds can contribute to the severity of the injuries.

As with other accidents, you, as the victim of a trucking accident, deserve compensation for your injuries. These damages can include pain and suffering, unpaid medical expenses, lost wages, any costs of rehabilitation and retraining for a new career, loss of enjoyment of life, and modifications that need to be made to your home. But you need an experienced attorney to help you get all the damages that you deserve.

At the law firm of Halberg & Fogg PLLC, our experienced attorneys can help you find out who is liable for a particular trucking accident and all the different theories under which you can hold not only the operator of the truck but possibly even his or her employer liable for your injuries. Our vast experience in this field also allows us to find liability under several different theories as well. And our reputation for aggressive trial preparation and giving everything for our clients means that the opposing side is likely to offer a generous settlement to avoid a trial. Of course, we will only act in your best interests and you always have the final say as to whether a settlement is accepted or not. But we will always work to get the best possible result for you.

If you have suffered serious injuries as the result of a truck wreck, contact us to set up a free initial appointment. We handle cases throughout the state of Florida from our office West Palm Beach, and you don’t pay any fee unless and until we recover money damages for you. Let our experienced and dedicated attorneys get the best possible result in your case.

Client Reviews

We called Halberg and Fogg regarding our son. He was moved to a hospital in a different city because his injuries were so severe. Our son lost a limb due to a hospital's error. Halberg and Fogg became our family while handling our case. They always were truthful regarding our son's case. They always...

Jakara S.

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